Experienced Craftspersons Serve as NCCER Subject Matter Experts
The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation created in 1996. More than 125 construction CEOs and various association and academic leaders created NCCER to better align and revolutionize trade training for the construction industry. NCCER curriculum is the foundation for many trade training programs across the United States, including the basis for the curriculum used in Faith Technologies’ Electrical Apprenticeship program.
An integral part of NCCER’s curriculum development process is appointing subject matter experts (SMEs). A team of SMEs is assembled to review and revise the curricula for each craft, and in 2015, I was nominated to serve as a SME for the electrical curriculum. After an interview and background/experience verification process by the electrical committee, I was honored to be invited to sit as a SME for electrical curriculum.
The first official meeting I attended with other SMEs in the electrical trade was in October 2016. For three days, myself and 19 other SMEs from around the country updated the electrical modules to the 2017 National Electrical Code. We then spent a fourth day updating the NCCER Industrial Electrician written assessment and Performance Verification to ensure alignment to the new code. It was all very challenging work, especially when you consider that the code had only been available for about a month. However, we all worked together diligently and enthusiastically to accomplish the goals of our meeting.
Serving as a SME for NCCER continues to be a humbling experience. Recently, the NCCER released the second edition of its Heavy Highway Construction curriculum. I once again was honored when asked to serve as a one of three electrical SMEs to assist with the stackable credentials for the electrical portion/vertical within this trade. The process was challenging and required me to conduct research independently to verify the modules used in the electrical program would remain valuable to an electrician working in the heavy highway construction trade.
I look forward to the continued work as a SME with NCCER. The experience gives me not only the chance to share knowledge within the electrical trade, but also speak to the significance and high emphasis we place on training our valued team members at Faith Technologies.
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