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Thermal Imaging Technology Supports Safer Workplaces

Getting people back to work in a safe manner has been a concern for many companies looking to reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true for large manufacturing and processing plants where shutdowns, for even just one shift, can have major impacts on the bottom line. In industries such as healthcare, food processing, construction and industrial manufacturing, organizations are committed to keeping their employees and visitors safe by preventing outbreaks.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a common sign of COVID-19 is an elevated body temperature, so checking the temperature of all individuals entering a facility can help to diminish the risk of the virus or other illnesses coming into a building. To perform these temperature checks safely, companies are looking to touchless thermal imaging technology.

Rather than utilizing staff members to take temperatures, thermal imaging body scanners are a fast and accurate way to determine if someone’s temperature is higher than considered normal, while reducing exposure to team members formerly performing temperature checks. The technology is extremely accurate and can frequently be integrated into a company’s existing systems.

Faith Technologies’ manufacturing partner, Excellerate, procured and installed thermal imaging body scanners at its Olathe, Kansas, and Appleton and Neenah, Wisconsin, locations. The temperature scanning process is easy for those walking in the door; all they must do is pass through the scanning area, and results are provided in less than a second. Temperature checks can not only help individuals monitor their own health, but can potentially prevent a disease outbreak at a facility.

How it works

  • An individual walks through the scanner, which reads that individual’s body temperature.
  • The scanner provides results in less than one second and instantly notifies the company moderator and/or the individual if they have an elevated body temperature.
  • The company determines next steps to take if the person has an elevated body temperature, which may include a short cool-down period and retesting. Upon continued or confirmed elevated temperature, the Individual would be directed to next steps, which may include self-quarantining for a determined number of days or until they are tested for COVID-19.

Thermal imaging technology was thoroughly researched by our team at Faith Technologies, and the systems we install are capable of temperature accuracy to within a half degree. Even at large events where groups of people are coming through a single entrance, the system can determine specifically which person was flagged and be able to react. The thermal imaging body scanner can scan up to 16 people at one time, so it does not create a bottleneck of people trying to enter the building.

Taking steps now to make sure your team is as safe as possible and your business can continue operation is good for your employees’ health and for your business. Thermal imaging technology is one way to help keep your team working as safely as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.