2015 Health Risk Assessments Prove to be a Success!
Faith Technologies has been offering annual Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) to its employees and spouses since 2004. The HRA consists of both a health questionnaire and a biometric screening, and our goal is to make participants aware of risk factors that can lead to future disease and to support them in taking the steps necessary to improve their health.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seven out of 10 deaths among Americans each year are from chronic diseases. Chronic diseases and conditions – such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis – are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.
Our most recent HRAs were completed this past fall, and we’re pleased to report that 75% of our employees participated! As the year comes to a close, we’d like to share with you some of our health successes from this year:
- An average score improvement from 74.6 last year to 75.8 in 2015.
- Just over 62% of participants fell in the minimal/moderate risk category – up by 2.5%!
- Nearly 19% of participants were in the high/extreme risk category – down by 2.5%, and below the average of 20.5%.
- Participants who completed a HRA each of the last eight years had an average HRA score of 78.7 – up 5.7 points from eight years ago. This group also saw those in the minimal risk category increase by 12.3%, and those in the high/extreme risk category decrease by 10.5%. These participants have been working hard to make great strides!
The top three risk categories among Faith Technologies’ participants has remained consistent: body fat, weight and tobacco use. These are areas that we’ll continue to focus on with wellness programming and education.
Faith Technologies prides itself on the safety and health of our number one asset – our employees. Wellness has been a cornerstone for the company for many years. Our employees’ health impacts their ability to work safely, to provide for themselves and their family, and improves the odds of a secure future for many years to come. We continue to make wellness and safety our top priority in order to work towards a healthier, safer and great place to work!
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