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Have You Made Any Technology Resolutions?

How are your resolutions for 2018 going? Still going to the gym? How about those technology resolutions? Are you keeping current on the technologies you utilize today or want to add to your offering?

Technology moves quickly, from updates to capabilities, hardware, software, and ways to learn. It can be a daunting task to stay current on what you have, as well as researching opportunities for improvement. It can also become overwhelming looking at what type of technology to utilize, as each provides a different impact. Here are some of the areas you can look at, however this list is not all-inclusive:

3D Printing Inventory Management
VR / AR / MR Timecards
3D Scanning Tool Tracking
Automation Picture / Video
Smart Wearables Machine Learning

No matter what you use or choose to invest in, it’s important to set goals to help measure the success of your technology. And when you do, make sure that they are SMART:

  • Specific and precise about your goals and what you are trying to accomplish
  • Measure the gains of the technology; it can’t be arbitrary
  • Achieve success by utilizing the strength of the team to reach your objective
  • Relevant technology only; don’t invest in technology then find the problem to solve
  • Time based; make sure to set up specific timelines to learn and implement the technology

During 2017, Faith Technologies spent a great deal of effort evaluating the software we have, and evaluating approximately 50 new technologies. We asked, does our current technology allow us to eliminate a product that duplicates a process or workflow, or is it outdated? Is there new technology that allows us to eliminate repetitive tasks and streamline our workflow? This was accomplished by a team that utilizes their expertise in different skills in discovery, testing and analyzing.

What is the next technology for you and your company? Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, analytics, point clouds… all hold potential for construction, but what impacts you most? Budget some time to research your technology needs and be prepared when it’s needed. If you wait until you have a need, you risk falling behind.

All of this is centered on improvement – like a resolution – but who needs a specific day of the year to set a goal and stick with it? Life is about continual improvement, including in your work life. Besides, statistics aren’t kind to those who make resolutions, as 73% last a week, 68% last two weeks, 58% last a month, and 44% last six months. Unfortunately, age has something to do with keeping resolutions as well; 37% of people in their 20s make it a year, while only 16% of people over the age of 50 make it a year (I’m in trouble).

I wish you the best of luck with your resolutions, both personal and professional, in 2018 and beyond!