Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy
There’s an old saying that nothing worth having comes easy; almost everything good in life requires some effort. I have often said this, not be a pessimist but to help me press on. As I look back at my 40-plus years in the electrical trades, there were times that I got frustrated and discouraged, but I kept my head to the wind and plowed through. I hope that no matter what you are facing right now, that you would do the same. In a time of microwave popcorn, drive-thru fast food and the world at your fingertips on your cell phone, it is easy to be discouraged and ask yourself, “Why is it taking so long for me? Why is this so hard for me?”
Back when I was getting started, I did six years of apprenticeship training, rather than the usual three or four. Not because of failure, but because I was laid off. I desperately wanted training through an apprenticeship that was recognized, accredited and registered, and was thankful to eventually be sponsored by a large reputable company. It was not easy, especially after starting at another trade school. By my third year in the new program, my wife and I had our first child, our daughter, so I was working, going to school two nights a week and starting a family. It was not easy. We decided to sacrifice a little and not have two incomes, so my wife could stay at home and raise the baby. It was not easy, but this decision forced me to accept more responsibilities and seek career advancements. The schooling laid the foundation, my experiences on the job site solidified my training and the people in my network helped me along the way. Because of the decisions my wife and I made, we could not rest more comfortably on the income that she would have brought to the family. Sure, I was scared during some of it. What if I fail? What if I get fired, or laid off again? It seemed like we were always excited for that next raise, bonus or opportunity to make more money. It was not easy, but we learned to save for the rainy days and manage our money and not let our money manage us.
It seemed with every new year there was opportunity. New doors opened and some closed, but the forks in the road eventually led me to the opportunity to train others at Faith Technologies. As I look back, every wire nut that I twisted on a connection has prepared me for this position. I never dreamed that I would be where I am at right now and I can say honestly that there were times that I just wanted to give up. It was not easy. But I kept pressing on, looking for and accepting many opportunities along the way. I have wired most every type of occupancy and worked on everything from batteries up to utility distribution. I look back at the mileage I put on my tools and boots with a grin. It was not easy, but it was worth it.
This new year I would encourage you to not look at others with envy, but rather look to others for opportunities for your success. Surround yourself with good, positive and smart people and let them rub off on you. You will finish what you started and will succeed if you stay with it, and your accomplishments are something that no one can take away from you. It may not be easy, but I like I said, nothing worth having comes easy.
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