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There’s No Copyright on Safety

Faith Technologies Toolbox Talk BookEvery year, Faith Technologies publishes its safety Toolbox Talk book to provide its employees bite-sized training sessions which aim to create an increased awareness of hazards, and the precautions that must be taken to control them. The Toolbox Talk book offers general guidance on over 140 safety-related topics in 20 categories. While the book does contain Faith Technologies’ specific procedures that may not be applicable to other contractors, we want to share our best practices and continue to learn from others to raise safety standards across our industry and beyond. To this point, all of our toolbox talks books include the unique copyright notice found below:

No Copyright on Safety
No rights reserved. Faith Technologies does not believe there should be a copyright on information that can prevent an illness, injury, etc. Safety information should be shared freely amongst all who are willing to listen. Let’s face it, we didn’t invent this information – it was learned by those within our company or others in our industry. Please feel free to reproduce or use the information contained within our Toolbox Talks in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval system – without the written permission of Faith Technologies.

You are welcome to ‘borrow’ any of the information contained within this book. We sincerely hope that this will lead to an open exchange of information. Just remember us when we ask you to share some of your sound safety practices in return.

This unique copyright is just one example of how Faith Technologies’ commitment to safety goes beyond its own company. We speak about safety management practices at conferences, engage our customers, and participate in peer groups to share best practices with like-minded contractors. Peer groups are an effective channel to discuss current challenges, brainstorm potential solutions, and learn from one another. We’d love to hear from you – what approaches have worked or been rewarding for your organization and safety team?

When it comes to safety performance, being the best is of little value if others working around you aren’t. Whether we’re working alongside a dozen other trades on a new construction project, or working on an industrial process upgrade with the owner’s employees, it’s essential that everyone share the same commitment to safety.

If you or anyone within your organization is interested in viewing Faith Technologies’ Toolbox Talk, please leave a comment below, and we will contact you directly for additional information.