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Why are Health Risk Assessments Important?

Health Risk AssessmentThe month of September brings cooler weather, football and of course, Health Risk Assessments at Faith Technologies. What is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA)? It’s a health screen, performed at the work site that provides employees with a report of the health screen results including information about health risks, and is important for many reasons.

Health Care Claims Savings – When HRA participants share their HRA report with their primary care physicians, they become aware of completed blood work, and won’t have to repeat any labs during a physical. This is an immediate savings to a company and will subsequently save money on health care claims, which will reflect on what an employee pays monthly for their future health insurance premiums.

Take Ownership of Their Health – Faith Technologies has offered free HRAs to its employees and spouses since 2004 in an effort to make them aware of risk factors that can lead to future disease. When they adopt healthier lifestyles and take more ownership of their health care, the company can support them in taking the steps necessary to improve their health.

Increased Awareness – Faith Technologies is currently 15% above the industry norm for the number of annual wellness/routine care visits.  Although we can’t tie our general healthcare costs directly to the health risk assessments, our plan costs and usage rates remain below the industry norm in almost all areas.

Success Stories – Faith Technologies’ annual HRAs have resulted in several employee success stories. Watch for some great examples in my next blog post!

Faith Technologies hopes our employees and their spouses continue to take advantage of this great benefit because they are our greatest asset, and their health is truly their most valuable asset! We are committed to educating employees and their families to raise awareness about good health and disease management, and encourage other companies to do the same!