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Winding Road Leads to Code Training Panel of Experts

Mark Cook (2nd from left), Faith Technologies Technical Training Consultant, served on Mike Holt’s panel of experts in February 2017.

Mike Holt is a national author, electrical code expert and publisher of a variety of electrical training materials. As those in or around the electrical industry know, he produces DVDs and books every three years, in sync with the changes to the National Electrical Code (NEC) cycle.

If you’ve ever seen one of Mike’s DVDs, it’s likely you’ve also seen the panel of experts who support him during the taping of these sessions. I was fortunate to have been selected as one of these individuals for a taping, which took place in February in Leesburg, Florida.

My story began late last fall, when I started receiving emails from my peers that Mike was casting people to be guests on his upcoming tapings. They encouraged me to apply, and although I was interested, I knew it would be a long shot to be considered. It wasn’t until I received an e-blast directly from Mike himself that I decided to throw my hat in the ring. I wrote him an email stating why I felt I deserved to be on his team, and to my surprise, he replied within 15 minutes saying I was exactly what he was looking for!

I told my leadership about the great news and asked for their input, and they were just as excited as I was! Together, we started to plan my adventure. As exciting as this news was, this entire event is somewhat ironic, as Mike has played an integral part in my career.

  • In the early 1980s, I studied Mike’s training materials to obtain my Journeyman’s card.
  • In 1998, I studied in one of Mike’s classes for my Master’s exam prep.
  • In 1990, I relocated to Arizona where I taught as an adjunct instructor and started my own business. I returned to the classroom when one of my helpers wanted to get into an apprenticeship, and I sponsored him until he won at the national competition for Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) in Ft. Worth, Texas. I continued to teach for IEC, began instructing for the Electric League of Arizona, and also began writing code articles for the Electric Times, a newspaper in Arizona.
  • In 2015, I began at Faith Technologies with the opportunity to teach full time as a Technical Trainer, equipping employees with a variety of skills, from advanced technical and safety training, to high-level leadership training.

After a lifetime of many successes and some failures, it was an honor to have my career path lead me to Mike Holt’s code panel team. To me, I’m confident that this opportunity came my way because of my position with a company like Faith. They never stop investing in their employees because they always want to encourage growth. Throughout my time with Faith, I’ve had access to a number of programs to help me advance on both personal and professional levels, which has been invaluable.

Mike Holt’s new DVD series will launch this summer, and I look forward to sharing my debut as a code panel member and more information at that time. Stay tuned!