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Faith Technologies Debuts Charged! Video Series

Industry Leader Puts Safety at the Forefront and Charges Others To Do the Same

Menasha, Wis. (Sept. 15, 2020) – Faith Technologies, an energy expert and national leader in electrical planning, engineering, design and installation, is excited to debut its new video series focused on safety: Charged!

The video series highlights the importance of safety in the construction industry and the ways Faith Technologies makes safety a top priority. As the winner of the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) – Willis Towers Watson 2020 Construction Safety Excellence Award, Faith Technologies is sharing its vision of safety and bringing the industry along on their journey to reach zero jobsite incidents. New videos will be rolled out throughout 2020 as a part of the Charged! series.

“In the construction industry, it used to be thought that productivity and safety were not connected and in order to be more productive, you had to cut corners and sacrifice safety. We believe the opposite – that you can’t have one without the other and having a safe environment is what drives productivity,” said Mike Jansen, CEO at Faith Technologies. “This video series showcases how we think about safety in our own company and how others can implement safety procedures in their practices each and every day.”

Safety and productivity go hand-in-hand and Faith Technologies knows that by working safely, the company is also able to operate at industry-leading productivity levels to best meet customer needs.